These three criteria’s will determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants.
Dental implants are an effective treatment for missing teeth, and may be recommended for a wide variety of patients. Read on to learn more about dental implants, including their oral health benefits and the key factors to consider when deciding if this is an appropriate course of treatment for you.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are a safe, effective treatment often recommended to replace damaged or missing teeth.
Dental implants are made of three parts: a biocompatible implant (usually titanium) that is inserted into the jaw bone; an attachment, called an abutment, that is connected to the implant under the jaw; and the restoration (at the top), which is aligned and matched in shade to your existing teeth.
Dental implants are considered an ideal solution for restoring oral form and function and are particularly suitable for patients who have good general oral health, but who have lost or damaged a tooth due to injury or gum disease.
Why are dental implants necessary?
People lose or damage their teeth for many reasons, including injury, disease, or decay. A damaged tooth can cause pain and impair normal oral function, while a missing tooth will leave a gap in your smile.
If left untreated, damaged or missing teeth can cause the following oral health issues:
- Your existing teeth may move out of position to fill the gaps left by missing teeth, causing misalignment in your smile and bite.
- Your gum tissue becomes more prone to injury and disease.
- The bones in your jaw become more prone to deterioration.
- Your facial appearance may appear gaunt or sunken due to these changes in oral structure.
Now read on to discover the three critical dental implant considerations.
1. Are you a suitable age?
Generally speaking, dental implants may be recommended for adults of any age who have missing or badly damaged teeth.
Children and adolescents, on the other hand, may need to seek an alternative course of treatment. Dental implants are generally not done on children or adolescents, as the implant may affect their natural facial development.
Usually, girls of about 16 and boys of about 18 have developed sufficiently to be eligible for dental implants — though this will need to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
2. Are you in good general health?
A dental implant is a relatively minor procedure, and is a suitable form of treatment for a wide spectrum of adult patients in good general health.
However, some risk factors that may prevent your dentist from recommending you for dental implants include the following:
- If you are a heavy smoker or have poor general oral hygiene (including extensive tooth decay, gum or periodontal disease), implants may pose too much of a health risk.
- Dental implants may also be avoided in cases where patients have uncontrolled chronic disorders, such as diabetes or heart disease.
- Patients who have had radiation therapy in the head or neck area will need to be evaluated on an individual basis.
3. Do you have enough bone to support the implant?
Dental implants are designed to replace the form and function of teeth, meaning that – like natural teeth – they require a solid base in the jaw bone for their implantation.
A patient with little bone mass or low bone density may lack the required bone structure to secure an implant in place.
This is usually a problem for older patients and may result in your dentist recommending an alternative course of treatment – though the issue can be overcome through bone graft surgery.
How can we help?
If you’re missing one or more teeth, it’s important to replace them as soon as possible and at Beenleigh Marketplace Dental, we can provide high-quality, long-lasting dental implants to revitalise your oral health. For more information about dental implants, please consult our website
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